St Lawrence Church
Stratford sub Castle

Churchwardens:      John Walsh Tel: 07913 867109
Sue Thomson Tel: 01722 782340

Friends of St. Lawrence

A close-up of a sign

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A Midsummer Picnic

After a long, wet winter, the prospect of relaxing outside
on a fine summer's evening is very appealing!

If you attended the village's Jubilee celebrations in 2022
you will have heard the excellent background music
provided by "Cinnamon Jazz".

The Friends of St. Lawrence Church
are delighted to have been able to book the band
for a return visit to Stratford sub Castle,
this time for a Midsummer Picnic planned for the

evening of Friday 21st June.

For this event, David and Chris Mills have very kindly offered
the use of their lovely garden

at Avonside House, Mill Lane from 6pm.

The plan is that people bring their own seating and food/drinks to enjoy
whilst "Cinnamon Jazz" provide a fitting accompaniment.

Pre-booking is essential for what promises to be a very popular event. 
Ticket prices are £10 for FOSL members; £15 for non-members.

If you are not already a member of "The Friends",
a registered charity set up to involve the community in the task
of fundraising to maintain our Grade I Listed church,
please ask for details.
Subscriptions start from £10 per annum and benefit from gift aid.

Please contact Rosemary Winson 01722 325183
or email

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